Fire Coin
Ice Coin
Energy Coin
Water Coin
Earth Coin
Air Coin
Nature Coin
Ghost Coin
Light Coin
Dark Coin
Ore Coin
Slime Coin
Time Coin
Space Coin
Dragon Coin


Swords Swords

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Tiny Sword n/a 3 0 0 0
Rusty Sword 50 GP 8 0 0 0
Broad Sword 70 GP 12 0 0 0
Long Sword 300 GP 24 0 0 0
Frostdiver n/a 36 0 4 0
Mythril Sword 920 GP 48 0 0 0
Lightbringer n/a 58 0 6 0
Twinblade 1200 GP 63 0 0 0
Claymore Sword 2100 GP 96 10 0 0
Rune Sword n/a 176 0 0 0
Bastard Sword 12000 GP 192 0 0 0
Firebrand n/a 200 0 50 0
Flamizard Edge 23000 GP 240 0 0 0
Zweihander 17500 GP 256 0 0 0
Chaos Sword 24000 GP 285 0 0 0
Flare Sword 30000 GP 340 0 0 0
Excalibur 60000 GP 400 25 0 0
Silver Dragon Sword 60000 GP 450 0 0 0

Katanas Katanas

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Katana 70 GP 10 0 0 0
Kotetsu 300 GP 20 0 0 0
Asura 920 GP 40 0 0 0
Osafune 1350 GP 50 0 0 0
Kiyomori n/a 60 10 0 0
Muramasa 2100 GP 80 0 0 0
Stunner n/a 90 0 0 0
Kokuei n/a 105 0 8 0
Kazekiri 9900 GP 120 0 10 0
Murasame 12000 GP 175 0 0 0
Chirijiraden n/a 200 0 50 0
Fantomu n/a 215 0 0 0
Defender 60000 GP 260 20 0 0
Shockblade 30000 GP 300 0 0 0
Kiku-ichimonji 50000 GP 335 0 0 0
Masamune n/a 420 0 0 0
Masamune (reforged) n/a 480 0 20 0

Greatswords Greatswords

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Crimson n/a 40 0 0 0
Schneider 920 GP 60 0 0 0
Dansaiki 2100 GP 110 0 0 0
Slaiser 6400 GP 165 0 0 0
Dissector 12000 GP 225 0 0 0
Butcher 24000 GP 290 0 0 0
Guillotine 30000 GP 375 0 0 0
Giant Cutter 60000 GP 480 0 0 0

Cutlasses Cutlasses

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Blunt Blade 70 GP 11 0 0 0
High Blade 300 GP 22 0 0 0
Steel Blade 920 GP 43 0 0 0
Hydra Blade 2100 GP 84 0 0 0
Neon Blade n/a 115 0 10 0
Bandit's Blade 12000 GP 166 0 0 0
Electro Blade 20000 GP 212 0 25 0
Scimitar 24000 GP 268 0 0 0
Leviathan's Blade 30000 GP 329 0 0 0
Neptune's Blade 60000 GP 400 20 20 20

Rapiers Rapiers

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Divine Rapier 920 GP 37 0 15 0
Saint's Saber 2100 GP 76 0 20 0
The Prophecy n/a 125 0 40 0
Demon Bane 12000 GP 155 0 25 0
Koren'Estoc 24000 GP 228 0 30 0
Mythical Sword 30000 GP 313 0 35 0
The Prophecy + n/a 377 0 70 0

Short Swords Short Swords

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Frogblade 920 GP 55 0 0 0
Toadblade 2100 GP 110 0 0 0
Lapisblade n/a 140 0 20 0
Salablade 6400 GP 160 0 0 0
Crocblade 12000 GP 220 0 0 0
Dinoblade 24000 GP 275 0 0 0
Dracoblade 30000 GP 315 0 0 0
Anurablade 60000 GP 435 0 0 0

Military Swords Military Swords

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Soldier's Sword 220 GP 23 0 0 0
Officer's Sword 775 GP 45 0 0 0
Commander's Sword 1800 GP 87 0 0 0
Zeno's Sword 40000 GP 303 0 0 0

Regal Swords Regal Swords

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Hero's Sword 17500 GP 222 0 0 0
Ancient Sword n/a 270 0 0 0
Eagle Sword 42000 GP 365 0 15 0
Radiant Sword n/a 440 0 0 0

Wands Wands

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Broken Wand 50 GP 3 0 10 0
Junior Wand 70 GP 5 0 15 0
Dark Wand 300 GP 10 0 25 0
Mystic Wand 920 GP 15 0 45 0
Soul Wand n/a 25 0 60 -5
Silver Wand 2100 GP 20 0 90 0
Adept Wand 6400 GP 25 0 125 0
Magus Wand 12000 GP 30 0 180 0
Iai Wand 22000 GP 40 0 210 0
Deadly Wand 24000 GP 45 0 225 0
Elder Wand 30000 GP 50 0 270 0
Wonder Wand 60000 GP 60 20 300 20
Octarian Wand 60000 GP 60 0 340 0

Whips Whips

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Leather Whip 70 GP 10 0 0 0
Cat Whip 300 GP 20 0 0 0
Wolf Whip n/a 28 0 0 2
Lion Whip 920 GP 35 0 0 0
Winter's Lash n/a 68 0 0 0
Tiger Whip 2100 GP 70 0 0 0
Fox Whip n/a 105 0 0 5
Dragon Whip 12000 GP 135 0 0 0
Blitz Whip 12000 GP 160 0 0 0
Unicorn Whip 24000 GP 210 0 0 0
Tentacle Lash 45000 GP 258 0 32 0
Bramble Whip 30000 GP 270 0 0 0
Serpent Whip 60000 GP 305 0 0 0

Axes Axes

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Battle Axe 70 GP 16 0 0 -4
Chopper Axe 300 GP 31 0 0 -7
Tomahawk 400 GP 40 0 0 0
Mythril Axe 920 GP 58 0 0 -10
Magnaminous Axe n/a 72 0 0 -12
Great Axe 2100 GP 111 0 0 -15
Pioneer's Hatchet 6400 GP 145 0 0 -15
Earth Maul 12000 GP 160 0 0 0
Ogre Axe 12000 GP 196 0 0 -20
Banning's Axe n/a 260 0 0 -20
Rebel Axe 24000 GP 295 0 0 0
Giant Axe 30000 GP 365 0 0 -25
Thor's Maul 60000 GP 410 0 50 -25
Demon Axe 60000 GP 440 0 0 -30

Throwing Knives Throwing Knives

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Stone 50 GP 1 0 0 0
Sharp Knife 70 GP 10 0 0 0
Slash Knife 300 GP 20 0 0 0
Razor Knife 920 GP 35 0 0 0
Throwing Sai n/a 55 0 0 0
Ray Knife 2100 GP 70 0 0 0
Rive Knife 6400 GP 85 0 0 0
Dark Knife n/a 95 0 25 0
Bronze Scissors 9600 GP 110 0 0 0
Shining Knife 12000 GP 140 0 0 0
Sunder Knife 24000 GP 200 0 0 0
Time Shifter n/a 240 0 0 40
Chicken Knife 30000 GP 265 0 0 0
Golden Knife 60000 GP 300 0 0 0

Bows Bows

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Composite Bow 70 GP 9 0 0 2
Hunter Bow 300 GP 18 0 0 4
Ranger Bow 920 GP 36 0 0 8
Arbalest Bow 2100 GP 72 0 0 16
Yumi Bow n/a 100 0 0 24
Fairy Bow 12000 GP 144 0 0 32
Windslash Bow 12000 GP 160 0 0 0
Mummy Bow 24000 GP 255 0 0 48
Cave Bow 30000 GP 288 0 0 64
Koroban Bow 60000 GP 348 0 0 80

Elven Bows Elven Bows

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Nalia 70 GP 7 0 10 0
Phesiu 300 GP 15 0 20 0
Sacrar 920 GP 29 0 30 0
Mythuni 2100 GP 58 0 45 0
Kamar 12000 GP 114 0 60 0
Pitjin 24000 GP 159 0 70 0
Tronja 30000 GP 227 0 80 0
Qoeshka 60000 GP 282 0 100 0
Crossbow n/a 400 0 0 0

Arcane Bows Arcane Bows

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Day Bow 920 GP 34 0 20 10
Dawn Bow 2100 GP 68 0 30 15
Dusk Bow 12000 GP 136 0 40 20
Photon Bow 24000 GP 178 0 45 25
Night Bow 30000 GP 272 0 50 30
Neutron Bow 60000 GP 316 0 65 45

Spears Spears

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Fujin Spear 70 GP 10 0 0 3
Raijin Spear 300 GP 20 0 0 8
Fork n/a 25 0 0 0
Mythril Spear 920 GP 40 0 0 15
Sagahin Spear 158 GP 58 0 12 0
Partisan n/a 65 7 0 15
Skull Spear 2100 GP 80 0 0 20
Star Raiser n/a 120 0 0 25
Water Pole 12000 GP 160 0 0 0
Sky Spear 12000 GP 160 0 0 30
Spark Spear 20000 GP 220 0 0 35
Swift Spear 24000 GP 250 0 0 50
Blood Spear 30000 GP 320 0 0 45
Emperor's Lance 60000 GP 380 0 20 60

Pikes Pikes

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Dragon Pike 920 GP 40 15 0 0
Eaglic Polearm 1350 GP 55 10 0 0
Harpoon 2100 GP 80 20 0 0
Steel Pike 4000 GP 115 30 0 0
Trident 12000 GP 160 30 0 0
Javelin 30000 GP 320 45 0 0
Pearl Lance 60000 GP 380 60 20 0

Claws Claws

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Fire Claw 42500 GP 0 0 0 0
Ice Claw 42500 GP 0 0 0 0
Thunder Claw 42500 GP 0 0 0 0
Wyvern Claw 24000 GP 0 0 0 0
Miner's Glove 920 GP 0 0 0 0
Bear Claw 2100 GP 0 30 0 0
Brawler's Glove 30000 GP 0 0 0 0
Leather Glove 35 GP 0 0 0 0
Mythril Glove 670 GP 0 0 0 0
Fast Claw 42500 GP 0 0 0 30
Bronze Claw 70 GP 10 0 0 0
Iron Claw 300 GP 25 0 0 0
Diamond Claw 12000 GP 50 0 0 0
Baghnakh 60000 GP 80 0 0 0
Tiger Feet 60000 GP 100 0 0 0

Feral Claws Feral Claws

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Noxic Claw 12000 GP 12 0 0 0
Warsoul Claw 24000 GP 24 0 0 0
Zenorium Claw n/a 36 0 0 0
Corrupted Claw 38000 GP 48 0 0 0
Death's Hand 60000 GP 60 0 0 0

Books Books

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
School Book 920 GP 12 4 27 3
Atlas 2100 GP 24 8 54 6
Autumn Almanac 6400 GP 28 12 82 9
Encyclopedia 12000 GP 36 16 108 12
Book of Secrets n/a 45 20 147 15
Arcane Spellbook 30000 GP 60 24 196 18
Master Thesis 60000 GP 75 28 244 21
Jaegen's Diary 60000 GP 55 18 264 31

Boomerangs Boomerangs

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Plain Boomerang 70 GP 7 0 0 0
Forest Boomerang 300 GP 15 0 0 0
Jungle Boomerang 920 GP 30 0 0 0
Rainbow Boomerang 1500 GP 45 0 0 0
Bonerang 920 GP 50 0 0 0
Marsh Boomerang 2100 GP 60 0 0 0
Rapid Boomerang 6400 GP 85 0 0 0
Stonerang 2100 GP 100 0 0 0
Desert Boomerang 12000 GP 120 0 0 0
Chakram n/a 133 0 0 0
Barren Boomerang 24000 GP 165 0 0 0
Polar Boomerang 30000 GP 200 0 0 0
Tribal Boomerang 60000 GP 250 0 0 0

Staffs Staffs

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Old Cane 50 GP 4 0 8 0
Walking Cane 70 GP 8 0 12 0
Magic Staff 300 GP 15 0 20 0
Sand Staff 640 GP 18 0 24 0
Ice Staff 920 GP 23 0 38 0
Fire Staff 2100 GP 30 0 75 0
Water Staff n/a 34 0 88 0
Cosmic Staff 6400 GP 30 0 100 0
Druid's Staff n/a 38 0 115 0
Sage's Staff 12000 GP 45 0 140 0
Sunlight Staff 12000 GP 42 0 150 0
Oak Staff 22000 GP 60 0 165 0
Dark Staff 24000 GP 68 0 190 0
Holy Staff 30000 GP 90 0 225 0
Warding Staff 30000 GP 86 0 230 0
Meteo Staff n/a 83 0 250 0
Judgment Staff n/a 140 0 280 0
Avian Staff 60000 GP 115 0 280 0

Guns Guns

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Mini Gun 70 GP 10 0 0 0
Blast Gun 300 GP 16 0 0 0
Blaze Gun 920 GP 32 0 0 0
Blitz Gun 2100 GP 64 0 0 0
Gattling Gun 24000 GP 80 0 0 0
Water Gun n/a 96 0 0 0
Energy Gun 12000 GP 128 0 0 0
Evil Gun 30000 GP 256 0 0 0
Mech Gun 60000 GP 400 0 0 0

Scythes Scythes

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Farmer's Scythe 70 GP 8 0 5 0
Nightshade 300 GP 17 0 10 0
Queen's Scythe 920 GP 34 0 15 0
Iron Sickle 1350 GP 52 0 18 0
Death's Handle 2100 GP 68 0 20 0
Flame Tongue 5000 GP 87 0 25 0
Soulstealer 12000 GP 136 0 30 0
Spectral Kama 24000 GP 172 0 35 0
Hades' Scythe n/a 228 0 45 0
Mad Sickle 30000 GP 272 0 60 0
God's Scythe n/a 306 0 75 0
Grim Reaper 60000 GP 324 0 65 0

Ninja Knives Ninja Knives

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Kunai 70 GP 10 0 0 0
Kodachi 300 GP 20 0 0 0
Kagenui 920 GP 35 0 0 0
Sasuke's Knife 1200 GP 50 0 0 0
Sakura 2100 GP 70 0 0 0
Ichigeki 12000 GP 130 0 0 0
Huma Shuriken 24000 GP 170 7 0 0
Oborozuki 30000 GP 225 0 0 0
Hanzo's Edge 45000 GP 245 0 30 0
Hashikoi 60000 GP 280 0 0 25
Hihanteki 60000 GP 295 0 0 0

Quarterstaffs Quarterstaffs

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Basic Tonfa 70 GP 10 0 0 0
Si-Ying's Stick 300 GP 20 0 0 0
Jun-Da's Stick 920 GP 35 0 0 0
Naginata n/a 62 0 0 6
Jun-Jie's Stick 2100 GP 70 0 0 0
Parasol 6400 GP 98 0 12 0
Gang-Yao's Stick 12000 GP 135 0 0 0
Karate Tonfa 24000 GP 190 0 0 0
Fright's Stick 30000 GP 270 0 0 0
Bizen's Stick 60000 GP 340 0 0 0

Harps Harps

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Wooden Harp 920 GP 38 0 22 0
Dream Harp 2100 GP 44 0 38 0
Chimera Harp 6400 GP 50 0 76 0
Lamia Harp 12000 GP 57 0 94 0
Vedetta Harp n/a 65 0 132 0
Dragon Harp 25000 GP 75 0 169 0
Apollo's Harp 30000 GP 87 0 193 0
Truesilver Harp 60000 GP 95 0 264 0

Flails Flails

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Alpha Flail 920 GP 52 0 -5 0
Beta Flail 2100 GP 102 0 -5 0
Fireball Flail n/a 135 0 10 0
Gamma Flail 6400 GP 160 0 -10 0
Delta Flail 12000 GP 200 0 -10 0
Kappa Flail 17500 GP 210 0 -15 0
Orcish Flail n/a 245 0 -30 0
Upsilon Flail 24000 GP 300 0 -15 0
Pain Chain 60000 GP 335 0 0 0
Omega Flail 30000 GP 360 0 -20 0
Duelist Flail 60000 GP 400 0 -20 0

Daggers Daggers

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Tainted Dagger n/a 5 0 0 0
Main Gauche 50 GP 7 0 0 2
Dirk 70 GP 10 0 0 4
Stiletto 300 GP 20 0 0 6
Dawn Dagger 10000 GP 50 0 25 8
Mack the Knife 7200 GP 95 0 0 10
Baselard 14500 GP 135 0 0 12
Man-Eater 22000 GP 160 0 0 14
Jamadhar 30000 GP 230 0 0 16
Skinner 45000 GP 265 0 0 18
Cheyenne's Knife 60000 GP 275 0 125 20
Orichalcum 60000 GP 290 0 0 20
Gladius n/a 335 0 0 20

Cards Cards

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
ID Card n/a 15 0 0 0
Knave of Spades 920 GP 30 0 0 0
Knave of Hearts 920 GP 30 0 0 0
Knave of Diamonds 920 GP 30 0 0 0
Knave of Clubs 920 GP 30 0 0 0
Queen of Spades 2100 GP 60 0 0 0
Queen of Hearts 2100 GP 60 0 0 0
Queen of Diamonds 2100 GP 60 0 0 0
Queen of Clubs 2100 GP 60 0 0 0
Flashcard 6400 GP 90 0 0 0
King of Spades 12000 GP 120 0 0 0
King of Hearts 12000 GP 120 0 0 0
King of Diamonds 12000 GP 120 0 0 0
King of Clubs 12000 GP 120 0 0 0
Tarot Card 24000 GP 150 0 0 0
Ace of Spades 30000 GP 180 0 0 0
Ace of Hearts 30000 GP 180 0 0 0
Ace of Diamonds 30000 GP 180 0 0 0
Ace of Clubs 30000 GP 180 0 0 0
Greeting Card 60000 GP 240 0 0 0

Maces Maces

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Maltana Mace 920 GP 50 0 0 0
Flixa Mace 2100 GP 100 0 0 0
Morning Star 7200 GP 150 0 0 0
Scarpy Mace 12000 GP 200 0 0 0
Epileptica Mace 17500 GP 220 0 0 0
Vasser Mace 24000 GP 270 30 0 0
Spiked Club 27500 GP 335 0 0 0
Blazica Mace 30000 GP 350 0 0 0
Blood Bludgeon 60000 GP 380 0 0 0
Force Baton 60000 GP 400 0 0 0

Needles Needles

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Infected Needle n/a 1 0 0 0
Sewing Needle 920 GP 35 0 0 0
Pine Needle 1350 GP 50 0 0 0
Iron Pin 2100 GP 70 0 0 0
Steel Nail 4000 GP 95 0 0 0
Playing Dart 12000 GP 140 0 0 0
Dart of Doom 24000 GP 180 0 0 0
Torpedo Dart 30000 GP 235 0 0 15
Bullseye Dart 60000 GP 300 0 0 0

Slingshots Slingshots

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Kid's Slingshot 70 GP 6 0 0 0
Fairy Slingshot 300 GP 13 0 0 0
Elvish Slingshot 920 GP 25 0 0 0
Burning Slingshot 2100 GP 45 0 0 0
Eye-Hitter n/a 75 0 0 0
Adult Slingshot 12000 GP 95 0 0 0
Birdkiller 24000 GP 125 0 0 0
Rockslinger n/a 165 0 0 0
Pan's Slingshot 30000 GP 195 0 0 0
Ancient Catapult 60000 GP 245 0 0 0

Sceptres Sceptres

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Coptic Sceptre 70 GP 5 0 12 0
Mana Sceptre 300 GP 10 0 20 0
King's Sceptre 920 GP 15 0 40 0
Phantom Sceptre 2100 GP 20 0 80 0
Lich's Rod 6400 GP 25 0 110 0
Sylphic Sceptre 12000 GP 30 0 150 0
Alien Rod 20000 GP 40 0 200 0
Glass Sceptre 30000 GP 50 0 240 0
Turquoise Sceptre 60000 GP 70 0 275 0
Ruby Sceptre 60000 GP 65 0 300 0

Fans Fans

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Ningen Fan 1500 GP 50 0 0 0
Yajuu Fan 1500 GP 50 0 0 0
Fushi Fan 1500 GP 50 0 0 0
Robotto Fan 1500 GP 50 0 0 0

Armlets Armlets

Name Price Att Def Int Agi
Soldier's Armlet 920 GP 30 0 0 0
General's Armlet 2100 GP 60 0 0 0
Lord's Armlet 12000 GP 120 0 0 0
Revered Bracers 25000 GP 170 0 0 0
King's Armlet 30000 GP 240 0 0 0
Demon Bracers 40000 GP 285 0 0 0
Gold Drgn Armlet n/a 305 0 0 27
Emperor's Armlet 70000 GP 360 0 20 0